

任务 & 愿景


罗氏天主教教育中心培养的教育工作者是变革的推动者, 作为一个社区,建立优秀和公平的天主教pre -12学校. 


细心的 to the current moment and drawing on our faith as a source of strength and sustenance, 罗氏中心团队将陪伴教育工作者和领导人重振活力, 振兴, and breathe new life into Catholic schools and communities through a commitment to educating students as whole persons and building a socially just and equitable world.


动画的信念 & 核心价值观


借鉴天主教和依纳爵的传统, 罗氏天主教教育中心的工作以下列信念为动力:

我们相信教育是关于心灵、思想和灵魂的形成. 在依纳爵的灵性中,对整体形成的关注被称为 看台personalis,或“关心整个人”." Recognizing that individuals are more than their minds, our programs are designed around 电子游戏软件的三角队形, 我们关注精神世界, 公共, 智力层面的形成, 特别关注天主教教育工作者的独特天赋和职业.

我们为魔法师而奋斗. 魔法师 翻译过来就是“更多”,,表明我们所做的一切都力求卓越, 并认识到我们所做的一切都是为了上帝更大的荣耀. 

我们是旅途上的伙伴. 我们在人生的旅途上陪伴别人, 分享我们的天赋,尊重他人的才能, 同时追求公平正义. 就像我们对别人来说是女人和男人一样, 我们在这样做时特别注意穷人和被边缘化的人的需要. 

我们在一切事物中看到上帝. 依纳爵精神的一个信条是理解上帝存在于万物之中, from the incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to the seemingly mundane everyday routines. We view our ministry as a practice in attentiveness to the movement and direction of the Spirit.

我们致力于建立一个社会公正和平等的世界. 我们培养并教育具有批判性思维的变革推动者, 关于道德和伦理问题的对话, 并为天主教教育的卓越和公平作出贡献.

We develop Catholic educators to be adaptable, attentive, visionary, humble and joyful.


Being formed in the Ignatian tradition of adaptability means that we are willing to let God mold and change us. 通过对他人的好奇心和真诚的兴趣, 我们对新的观察方式持开放态度, 理解和行动. Adaptability requires us to be present to God’s activity in the now so that we can respond in ways that are creative and congruent to the situation, 同时也要富有同情心和建设性. 当我们明白神的作为渗透在当下的时候, we are able to surrender the stubbornness that often denies ourselves and others the opportunity to explore, 改变和成长.

Being formed in the Ignatian tradition of attentiveness means that we are vigilant to the movements of our hearts. 在反射, 我们会意识到上帝爱我们的独特方式, 包括上帝如何通过我们的生活和特殊情况与我们沟通. It means we are also attuned to the ways in which God is loving others and working in and through their lives and the activity of the world. 专注是一种内心的习惯,它帮助我们在所有事情中看到上帝, 当我们行走在这个世界时,这能帮助我们发现上帝的指纹.

Being formed in the Ignatian tradition of vision means that we desire to see as God sees. 意识到我们自己的观点比上帝的更狭隘,更有局限性, 我们祈求恩典的矫正镜来看清我们自己, 他人和世界以新的和丰富的方式. 虽然这个过程会让人感到头晕目眩, we trust that God’s perfect vision — which we desire to become our own vision — will allow us to see much more clearly, 广泛和包容.

Being formed in the Ignatian tradition of humility means that we acknowledge the beautiful mosaic and totality of who we are before God. 这包括我们的才能和倾向,也包括我们的局限和不足, 以及我们如何爱和生活在这个世界上. Humility does not demand that we ‘shrink’ to become less than we are; rather it challenges us to recognize that all we are and all we have, 以及我们将成为什么样的人都完全依赖于上帝. 是所有其他美德的基础, humility invites us to admit that we cannot go it alone and that we need God and others — not only to live, 但是要想茁壮成长. Authentic humility is always freeing because it leaves room and responsibility for God.

Being formed in the Ignatian tradition of joy means that we pay attention to interior emotions and feelings because where we experience joy and peace are good indicators of God’s desires for us. While happiness is fleeting and can fluctuate with events or interactions, joy is stable. 在幸福来了又走之后,它依然徘徊不去, 它敦促我们在困难时期坚持到底. 快乐是一种微妙的常量,它提醒我们恐惧, 暴力, 毁灭和死亡没有最终决定权.




由波士顿大学董事会于2007年成立, The Barbara and Patrick 罗氏天主教教育中心 of 林奇教育与人类发展学院 builds on more than a half-century of research, 教学, 以及与电子游戏软件天主教学校有关的外展活动. It brings under one banner strategic initiatives to develop vibrant and 振兴d models for the future of Catholic education as an apostolate of hope.


2010年3月, 电子游戏软件的老朋友, 芭芭拉和帕特里克·罗奇51年, H ’01, 向天主教教育中心捐赠了两千万美元, 后来以他们的名字命名. 帕特里克·E. Roche, co-founder of Roche Brothers supermarkets, passed away on May 27, 2012, at the age 83. The couple said they made the transformative donation because Catholic education had such a profound effect on their lives, 先生. 罗奇毕业于电子游戏软件. “天主教教育是我人生中一份伟大的礼物,”已故的帕特里克·罗奇(Patrick Roche)说. “When Barbara and I saw the number of Catholic schools that were closing, we wanted to do something. 不列颠哥伦比亚省通过这个中心给了我们这样做的机会."

罗氏兄弟总部位于曼斯菲尔德. 在马萨诸塞州有20家分店,从阿克顿到科德角. Barbara and Patrick Roche are natives of Boston and ardent supporters of Catholic education. 罗氏家族是著名的慈善家,致力于有价值的事业, 包括天主教和公共教育, 波士顿总教区的年度呼吁, 美国爱尔兰基金, 食品分发处, 长者援助计划, 和更多的. 在不列颠哥伦比亚省,他们建立了帕特里克E. 和芭芭拉A. Roche Scholarship Fund for talented students with financial need, and the Barbara A. 帕特里克·E. 罗氏经济学教授.




领导项目—The Roche Center acknowledges that the quality of Catholic schools begins with strong leadership, 这就是为什么大量的资源被用于培训, 指导和指导在职和有抱负的管理人员. 对精神的关注是极大的, 领导的智力和集体方面, providing participants with the tools and resources necessary to innovatively lead and address the needs of the whole child in the 21st Century.

文化和语言多样性学校的发展—As the United States continues to become more diverse culturally and linguistically, the Roche Center advances the Catholic tradition of excellence by empowering Catholic schools to systemically transform from monolingual to multilingual models of education. 天主教学校双向浸入式网络(TWIN-CS), 2013年由电子游戏软件的教师开发, 支持全国21所天主教学校. TWIN-CS is grounded in research and supported by dual language experts from around the country.

专业教育机会—In collaboration with experts and educators across 电子游戏软件 and around the world, the Roche Center offers innovative professional education opportunities throughout the year to support Catholic school educators in the sacred work of formation. 在一个支持性的公共环境中, 参与者不仅被邀请去反思教学方法, but on the personal and spiritual understanding of 教学 and formation as a Christian vocation. 专为教师设计, 课程提供方便, yet challenging content that can be immediately applied to culturally and linguistically diverse classroom contexts.

罗氏中心电子游戏正规平台员—The Roche Center conducts high quality research that offers problem-based solutions to the challenges that educators in Catholic schools face. 电子游戏正规平台重点是全儿童教育等领域, 天主教学校的公平做法, 西班牙裔人口的出现以及对天主教教育的影响, 治理转变以及系统级领导如何应对. 支持促进天主教教育的电子游戏正规平台工作, the Roche Center offers semester-long and year-long fellowships to conduct research, 以及天主教教育的先进实践. 在罗氏中心工作期间, 电子游戏正规平台员对天主教学校进行电子游戏正规平台并发表奖学金. 适当的, fellows collaborate with staff and faculty from professional schools and centers across 电子游戏软件, 包括罗氏中心, 林奇教育与人类发展学院, 卡罗尔管理学院, 以及神学与事工学院.