





Neuro-informed psychotherapy and counseling is the cutting edge of the psychology field. Helping clients to recover from a brain injury or nervous system disorder; navigate the neurotypical world as a neurodiverse individual; recover after trauma; or cope with anxiety, 抑郁症, 或压力, 需要对大脑功能和行为的相互作用有细致入微的理解. This course will teach basic neuropsychological and functional neuroanatomical concepts as they are applied in counseling and rehabilitation for young people and adults. 学生 will learn techniques for intervention into specific conditions affecting brain functioning that professionals use to guide clients through the process of recovery and living their fullest lives.

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-1
业务 & 领导力学院(BLI) -课程已满

In Person/On Campus&,- Course is Full

The 业务 and Leadership Institute (BLI) provides a collaborative environment where participants engage with business and leadership fundamentals through various activities, 包括自我评估, 案例电子游戏正规平台分析, 视频分析, 专家演讲嘉宾, 以及小组协作工作. The experiential course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience college life at 电子游戏软件 while expanding their understanding of the business and leadership elements crucial for success in both academic pursuits and early professional endeavors.&,&,

Designed to nurture students' leadership and business acumen, 这个项目提供广泛的课程,涵盖各个学科, 包括个人领导力, 市场营销, 金融, 国际领导, 团队动力, 以及情商. At the heart of the program is the application of these concepts through the creation of a group business plan for a product or service. 运用设计思维原则, 学生们将利用每天的学习,为他们的“大想法”编故事板,” culminating in their presentation of their start-up concept to a panel on the final day of the program.&, This immersive approach ensures that participants grasp theoretical concepts and develop hands-on expertise.

教师:&,Barbara Mitchell

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-2

In Person/On Campus

Through the study of creative non小说, 小说, 和诗歌, 学生将探索自己独特的声音和出版作家的不同声音. 学生将识别和分析不同的写作风格,并收集 &“工具箱" of craft techniques that they will put into practice by writing their own original creative pieces. 课程包括阅读, 讨论, 写作练习, and writing workshops in which students will have the opportunity to give and receive constructive feedback on their work. As a seminar capstone, students will have the opportunity to present their work in a class reading.

教师: Grace Talusan

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-2

In Person/On Campus -&,Course is Full

This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and data-based tools of statistical analysis commonly employed in Applied Economics. 除了学习统计和数据分析的基础知识, students will learn to use the statistical software package R to conduct various empirical analyses including&编写自己的代码来导入、清理和探索大型数据集.&,&,Our focus will be on learning to do statistical analysis, not just on learning statistics. 本课程将为学生准备计量经济学和经济学&,provides students with an overview of popular software packages used today for data exploration, analysis and visualization including an overview of the non-programming tools such as Excel and Tableau.

In Excel we will cover basic charts with the emphasis on their use with pivot tables. In Tableau students will be introduced to more advanced data exploration and visualization methods via a variety of charts and dashboards.&, 学生 will learn how to conduct hypothesis testing and regression analysis in R/Python, 除了创建图表和视觉总结, 定性, 并对数据进行定量分析.

This course is a great follow up to Fundamentals of Economics offered in 会话2.

教师: Arvind Sharma

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-3
政治 & Democracy: The West, 世界, 以及1688年以来民主和民族国家的出现

In Person/On Campus

政治 & Democracy:&, The West, 世界, 以及1688年以来民主和民族国家的出现 traces the historical development of the western world (specifically Europe and the Americas) through the lens of the growth of political liberalism, 民族主义的兴起, 以及经济体系的演变. Starting with the Glorious Revolution and the emergence of the English Bill of Rights in 1688, 本电子游戏正规平台探讨了现代性的概念是如何产生的. 这次调查探讨了西方世界变化的影响, 在地球上经历了三个不同的历史阶段.

First, 学生将探索启蒙时代和殖民主义, 特别注重追踪促成政治和经济变革的因素. 第二个, 这门课将详细电子游戏正规平台十九世纪的革命, 花时间找出定义现代性的共同主题和趋势. 最后,政治 & Democracy: The West, 世界, 以及1688年以来民主和民族国家的出现, will complete a full analysis of politics and economic development during the Age of Progress, 包括对第一次世界大战的电子游戏正规平台. The culminating study of this massive world conflict will serve as a measure of both the positive and negative impact of massive change, leaving students with a profound and deep understanding of how the political and economic changes that occurred during the early modern and modern historical worlds have shaped the twenty-first century.&,&,

教师: Chris Brooks

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-3

In Person/On Campus

Art is a deep, 如果不是内在的, part of human nature which connects to our creativity and unique abilities for abstract symbolism and language. Artistic development in human societies stretches from prehistoric cave paintings to Greek tragedies. As civilizations have developed increasingly complex technologies and the psychosocial processes they facilitated, 我们谈到了当代艺术形式.&,

在这个课堂上, 我们将探讨心理学中关于创造力和创造性表达的电子游戏正规平台, 以及理解艺术家在社会中的角色. 虽然有许多形式和媒介的艺术表现, 我们专注于视觉, 音乐, 跳舞, 电影, 剧院, 和文学. 用各种心理学理论来分析这门课上的艺术作品, 我们可以更好地欣赏创作过程以及它对观众的影响. 在这个课堂上, we’ll also be introduced to the healing power of artistic expression and appreciation as well as psychotherapies that incorporate art directly into treatment. 另外, we will talk about art in the community and the power of art as social discourse and activism. 学生 should be prepared to be active participants in class and to read occasionally challenging scientific literature.&,

教师: Javier Rizo

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-4

In Person/On Campus

The Sport Management Institute (SMI) is an exciting introduction to the world of sport management. The two-week summer session course is a valuable experience for students who enjoy sports as either a participant or a spectator, 谁对在大学学习体育管理的可能性感兴趣, and who want to explore and learn more about the myriad career options in the sport management field.

SMI students receive a broad overview of the field of sport management. 课程内容包括体育管理和领导, 活动和设施管理, 体育商业, 体育营销和推广. 在BCE的两周时间里, SMI学生独立工作, 成对, 在小组中完成各种各样的任务和项目. 学生作业的例子包括专业简介展示, LinkedIn的资料, 课堂辩论和体育营销项目及演讲.

公元前:网站/ bc-experience non-credit-courses / search-tags / session-3-5

电子游戏软件保留在任何时候更改此计划的任何条款的权利. The college specifically reserves the right to change its tuition rates and any other financial charges at any time. 学院保留重新安排课程及上课时间的权利, 取消注册人数低于最低注册人数的课程, 并随时更改教师的任务.