
Can I take a course abroad that will fulfill my Social Science Core requirement?

在某些情况下, 从其他院校转来的课程可以用来满足大学核心课程的要求. 这包括在国外学习的课程. 有关核心的更多信息,请咨询本科电子游戏软件核心要求网站. University Core requirements are administered by the A&S Core Committee, not by the 政治科学 department.


夏季课程与其他地方的核心课程遵循相同的一般规则. 这些问题应直接向核心副院长办公室提出,地址如下: core@pulounge.com. See the following website for information concerning core requirements and courses: pulounge.com/core

Can I get 政治科学 credit for courses taken abroad?

的 Department will give credit for courses taken abroad, provided that they are sufficiently focused on politics, 政府, 公共政策, 或者政治哲学. 在许多国家, universities do not have political science departments, 在这种情况下,学生可能会选择“[东道国]的历史和政府”的课程。.” We will accept such courses 作为本专业的选修课. 的y may not be used to fulfill the department’s sub-field requirements (i.e., one course in each of the four sub-fields of 政治科学). We will accept up to four such courses as electives. 在任何情况下,本专业的课程都不能少于六门.

Can I fulfill my sub-field requirements with courses taken abroad?

只有本系的课程才能满足美国政治四个子领域各一门课程的要求, 比较政治学, 国际政治, 和政治理论.


你可以转车, 作为本专业的选修课, as many as two classes for each semester abroad, 最多4个.

I’m not in the Honors Program; how do I get in?

每年6月,我们都会邀请20-25名即将升入大二的学生进入荣誉项目,根据他们的总体GPA和专业. 正常情况下, 学生将需要至少三门政治学课程,以建立一个记录,我们可以根据我们的决定. Those students who are invited will receive letters in late June.


任何学生都可以写论文,只要有一位教师愿意监督这个项目. 这个过程首先是在你大三的下学期带着一份提案接近一位教员. 的 proposal initially may be nothing more than a general idea, 教师被选中的部分原因是他或她对学生选择的领域有兴趣. 这很有帮助, 虽然没有必要, that the faculty member know something of the student’s abilities, 尽管这一要求可以通过与该学生上过课的同事协商来满足. 从那里, 项目将继续推进, 这样在大四开始的时候, much of the initial work on the thesis will already have been completed. 考虑写论文的学生和那些目前这样做应该参考这个全面的指导,写一篇高级论文, 由BC电子游戏正规平台生在与政治科学系教师协商后撰写: 如何写毕业论文.


If you wish to declare your 政治科学 major, please email 雪莉啊.

Do I have to take courses in any particular sequence?

的 course numbering system in 政治科学 defines categories of courses, 而不是踏上梯子. Courses numbered X3XX are American Politics courses, X4XX是比较政治学课程, X5XX是国际政治课程, X6XX为政治理论课. Courses that begin with a 10XX are Introductory courses. 政治科学 courses can be taken in any sequence, 除了入门课程, 应该先吃哪一种.

What are the sub-field requirements in 政治科学?

的 four separate sub-fields of 政治科学 are American Politics, 比较政治学, 国际政治, 和政治理论. 主修政治学, you must take at least one course in each of these sub-fields, and these courses must be taken in the department. 的y need not be taken in any particular order.

我怎样才能得到实习机会? And can I get academic credit for an internship?>

的 department does not arrange internships for students; these must be found independently, although we do sometimes receive information about internship opportunities, 我们会转发给学生吗. Students should exercise some caution when arranging internships. 确保你有比煮咖啡和操作复印机更有趣的工作. Note: the 政治科学系 does not offer any credits for internships.

Can I transfer political science courses from abroad?

你最多可以从其他机构转学四门课程,包括国外学习项目. 的se will count 作为本专业的选修课—that is, not as sub-field courses.


的 政治科学系 does not offer a minor.

I transferred classes from my previous university or from a foreign study program, but they are not showing up on my Degree Audit under 政治科学. 发生了什么事?

的 University accepts courses for University credit, 但允许院系决定这些课程是否也满足主修/副修要求. 把这些课程移到专业中, 你需要见本科生主任或外国学习顾问教授,他们将签署课程放弃和替代表, 然后交给学生服务处.

How do I major or minor in International Studies? Is that part of the 政治科学系?

国际电子游戏正规平台课程 是一个跨学科的项目. 它不是由政治科学系管理,而是由来自几个不同系的教员组成的一个特别委员会管理, 在董事的监督下. 现任主任是教授 埃里克•欧文斯 神学系主任. Entrance to the International Studies major is competitive; anyone can minor in International Studies.

我刚主修政治学,但是系里没有我的指导老师. How can I get a member of the department as an advisor?

We try to make sure that every major has an advisor in the department, 但有时这种情况不会立即发生. Until it does, you may always see the 本科 Director Professor 爱丽丝Behnegar.

If I have a complaint about a faculty member, whom do I see?

你应该先和本科教务主任,副教授谈谈 爱丽丝Behnegar在你去见系主任之前,系主任会先听取你的投诉 杰拉尔德复活节.

How do I find out about speakers coming to the campus to give talks about politics?

Check your e-mail; there will be announcements of speakers and events for the upcoming weeks.

I’m not getting e-mails that other 政治科学 majors are getting. 为什么不?

Check your mailbox; it might be full, or the University may have the wrong e-mail address for you in its system.


电子游戏软件修的课程只有在本系开设(或交叉列出)的情况下才算政治学学分. 政治学与其他系交叉列出的课程将有POLI编号, 还有接待部门的电话. Because they are in the University system with a POLI number, they will automatically be listed under your 政治科学 major.

How many deficiencies can I make up with summer courses?

和其他非bc课程一样, you may count only four courses taken elsewhere for the 政治科学 major. 夏季的课程可能会, 然而, satisfy other University requirements outside of 政治科学.


的 Fundamentals I courses (POLI 1041) is normally the first course a student will take in the major; the most common second course is Introduction to Modern Politics (POLI 1042). 但, 基础知识I之后, there are other courses that can satisfy the second Introductory requirement, 虽然不是每年都开设:POLI 1061 -美国政府简介), POLI 1081 – Introduction to 国际政治, and POLI 1091 - Introduction to 比较政治学. 在未来, we hope to offer other Introductory courses to fulfill the second half of the Fundamentals requirement; these courses will be identified by the prefix of 10XX.

What should I take after the two Introductory courses?

课程没有固定的顺序, 您在前两门入门课程之后的选择将取决于您的兴趣以及课程和座位的可用性. If you a rising Freshman, you may find many courses closed by the time you register. This is why we have special Sophomore Seminars, closed to all other classes. 其中有两个:POLI 2360 -冲突中的权利和POLI 2655 -正义问题. When you register, be sure to check on the availability of these courses.

How do I arrange to do an individual research course in 政治科学?

如果你有兴趣做一个独立的电子游戏正规平台项目——通常是在大三或大四——而且你不在荣誉项目中, 你可以和老师谈谈,看看他或她是否有兴趣和你一起工作. Usually this will mean speaking with a faculty member whose classes you have taken, and who is generally in the field in which you would like to do your research. You would enroll in your advisor’s section of POLI 4901 – Readings and 电子游戏正规平台; this class requires a special Department Permission form, which is available in the department office at McGuinn 201. You and your faculty advisor will work out a well-defined topic, and you will be guided in seeking out research collections, 构建参考书目, and determining what kind of written work is appropriate for the semester. Prior to enrolling for the Readings and 电子游戏正规平台, 您和指导老师将填写并签署“个别安排和非排期课程大纲/合同”表格. 已签署的表格必须交回雪莉啊或Síle Ní Scanláin让他们签名. 不像论文课程, an Individual 电子游戏正规平台 course does not necessarily result in a single, 学期末的长论文.