Major Requirements

The Boston College Department of 沟通 is committed to the intellectual and ethical development of analytical and creative communication skills in our students, with particular emphasis on the effective functioning of communication circuits, and the impact of technological innovation on human beings and institutions. A total of 33 credits are required for the major.

Four Core Requirements (12 Credits):

  • COMM1010 Rhetorical Tradition
  • COMM1020 Introduction to Media Studies
  • COMM1030 Public Speaking
  • COMM3330 沟通 Methods: Social Science
  • COMM3340 沟通 Methods: Cultural
  • COMM3360 沟通 Methods: Mixed Methodology

Methods should ideally not be taken until after a student has completed Rhetorical Tradition, Introduction to Media Studies, and Public Speaking.

The four common requirement courses should be taken before any other courses in the major.  

  • One Theory Course (3 credits):
  • Any course numbered between COMM3361 and COMM3380

Theory courses should ideally not be taken until after a student has completed Rhetorical Tradition, Introduction to Media Studies, Public Speaking, and the 沟通 Methods course.

Two Writing Intensive Seminars (6 credits):

  • Any two courses numbered between COMM4425 and COMM4475

These are upper-level courses and should not be taken until after a student has completed the four common requirements. Freshmen and sophomores should never register for writing-intensive seminars.

Four Electives (12 credits):

  • Electives may be chosen from any 3-credit class offered by the department.
  • A maximum of 6 transfer credits will be accepted by the department toward elective credits.
  • One class of 3 credits or more from the Woods College may be counted toward an elective, with permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Internship Practicum, a 3-credit elective, may be conducted only once during the senior year and used toward elective requirements.
  • One-credit internships and courses may not be combined to total a 3-credit course

First Year Majors:

Students may declare the 沟通 major by contacting Academic Advisor Kristin Hartnett at 克里斯汀 or Lecturer/Advisor and Director of Internship programs Christine Caswell at

Internship Credit:

COMM5589 Senior Internship Seminar, a 3-credit course, is open to junior and senior 沟通 majors. 除了, potential interns must have completed a minimum of six courses in communication including COMM1010 Rhetorical Tradition, COMM1020 Survey of Mass 沟通, COMM1030 Public Speaking, and one of COMM3330 沟通 Methods: Social Science or COMM3340 沟通 Methods: Critical/Cultural. 

For registration and approval of internship placements, contact Professor Christine Caswell, Director of 沟通 Department Internship program at

学位审核 & Academic Advising:

Academic Advisors:
In AGORA you may view your faculty advisor by selecting “My Services”, “Account and Personal Information”, then “Academic Advisor”. 

沟通 majors will get their degree audit from their assigned academic advisor within the department. Advisors will be emailing advisees before registration with relevant information. Students must meet with their advisor prior to their assigned registration time.


Questions about the 沟通 curriculum, general advising, academic credit for internships, internship approval, and career counseling, should be directed to Prof. Christine Caswell. To declare the major and discuss general course of study, please contact academic advisor Kristin Hartnett, or Professor and Department Chair Matt Sienkiewicz.