
对促进和推进温斯顿领导与道德中心使命感兴趣的学生将与主任合作,向校园社区宣传重要事件. 大使 serve as stewards for the 温斯顿中心. These roles are open to all undergraduate students.



  • Create promotional materials and distribute on campus
  • 迎接客人在温斯顿中心的事件,帮助促进愉快的经历
  • 与朋友,同学和其他社会团体建立联系,以确保重要的出席活动
  • 与媒体建立良好关系,鼓励媒体报道电子游戏软件社区的重要事件
  • Participate in Leadership workshops


  • Access to exclusive 温斯顿中心 programming
  • Opportunity to meet with benefactors of the 温斯顿中心
  • 协助计划和执行温斯顿中心的标志性项目以及合作
  • 访问事前Q&A sessions with world renowned speakers.
  • 极好的志愿者机会,扩展校园网络,并与有影响力的电子游戏软件领导和校友联系


Winston ambassadors are committed to serving our community, and every semester volunteer at local community programs.


St. 弗朗西斯

大使 volunteering at the St. 弗朗西斯的房子




Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

丽莎·伯明翰是电子游戏软件的大二学生,她来自马萨诸塞州的多佛. 她在Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences攻读政治学学位,同时辅修一般商业. 莉莎在卑诗大学的领导和道德之旅始于她参与的詹克斯领导项目. 这个变革性的项目确定并准备本科生承担领导角色,为他人服务. 丽莎在与詹克斯的经历中获得了极大的满足感,她很高兴能成为温斯顿中心的大使,以扩大她对温斯顿中心的承诺. 此外, 她在电子游戏软件的工作包括在学生招生办公室志愿担任迎宾员,并积极参加女性商业俱乐部. Liza's multifaceted involvement showcases her passion for service, 领导, 道德, 以及电子游戏软件为他人培养男性和女性的使命. Filled with gratitude and enthusiasm, 丽莎热切地期待着作为温斯顿中心的大使做出有意义的贡献!


卡罗尔学校 of Management

Nicholas (Cole) Conway is from Needham, Massachusetts. He studies at the 卡罗尔学校 and is undecided on his major. 科尔喜欢游泳、滑雪、跑步,偶尔和朋友一起打篮球. 在高中时, 科尔在他大三和大四的时候都担任游泳队队长,并且是MetroWest基金会的初级董事会成员. 在电子游戏软件, Cole is an active member of the club swim team, Piano ensemble and the Freshman Innovation Program at Start@Shea. 科尔很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,并渴望为电子游戏软件社区服务. 


卡罗尔学校 of Management

詹姆斯Cugno is from Summit, New Jersey. He studies Finance at the 卡罗尔学校 of Management. 詹姆斯喜欢和他的朋友们一起打钉球,在健身房锻炼和滑雪. 在高中的时候,詹姆斯是夏令营的负责人,院长的负责人,并参加了两个校队的运动. 在夏天, James works and spends time with his 家庭 and friends. 詹姆斯很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,为电子游戏软件社区服务!


卡罗尔学校 of Management

格雷格·科里 is from Long Island, New York. 他主修金融与咨询的财务与会计,辅修应用心理学. Greg enjoys playing pickup basketball with his friends, 长跑, 探索户外, and being with 家庭 in his free time. 在夏天, Greg works as a barback at "The Harrison," where he builds relationships with the locals from his hometown. 在电子游戏软件, 格雷格是Start@Shea的董事会成员,在那里他帮助学生经营的创业公司发展他们的业务,在4Boston,他志愿促进St. Columbkille学校. 格雷格很高兴成为温斯顿大使,并渴望为电子游戏软件社区服务. 

Akul Dachepalli

Akul Dachepalli '26
卡罗尔学校 of Management

Akul Dachepalli来自伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,计划学习财务和会计专业. 在他空闲的时候, Akul enjoys playing soccer, 看体育比赛, and spending time with friends and 家庭. 在高中时, Akul was part of the Business Professionals of America, 他在那里担任俱乐部的财务主管,并在高中和俱乐部踢足球. 在夏天,阿库尔喜欢探索城市和参观密歇根州的新布法罗海滩. Akul很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,并对电子游戏软件社区产生积极影响.


Morrissey College of Arts and Science

Elliot (Ellie) Dyroff is from Vail, Colorado. She is a communications major and has a minor in 领导 and 管理. 艾莉喜欢山和海洋,花时间在户外,运动,烘焙和时尚. 在高中时, Ellie was on the student council her Junior and Senior years, played two varsity sports, started her own clothing business, and graduated with Naval Honors. During her freshman year, she sailed for the 电子游戏软件 sailing team. Ellie spends her summers on the East Coast coaching kids in competitive sailing. She loves to spend her free time with her friends and 家庭. 艾莉很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,为电子游戏软件社区服务. 


Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

马修·克莱因 is from Long Island, New York. He is studying Economics with a minor in finance. 马修在空闲时间喜欢踢足球和打钉球,去健身房,打dj. 在高中时, Matthew was a part of the film program, created many of his original films with his peers, and was captain of his soccer team. 在夏天, 马修在纽约当救生员,和朋友一起拍短片. 马修很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,为电子游戏软件社区服务.


Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

玛德琳·墨菲来自罗德岛普罗维登斯,主修生物学,专攻细胞生物学 & 发展. Madeleine enjoys rowing, 弹钢琴, and spending time with friends, 家庭, and her two dogs in her free time. 在高中时, she was co-president of the Partnership Through Advocacy club, working closely with the Providence Refugee Dream Center. 她划船离开了纳拉甘西特帆船俱乐部,参加了两次查尔斯帆船赛的比赛. 今天, 玛德琳有在植物生物学实验室做电子游戏正规平台助理的经验,暑假在布里格姆大学做医疗助理 & 女子医院. She is excited to be a Winston Ambassador and serve the 电子游戏软件 community.


卡罗尔学校 of Management

汤普森潘 is from Kansas City, KS, studying accounting and is on a CPA track. Thompson enjoys playing sports, 探索户外, and spending time with friends and 家庭 in his free time. 汤普森高中时曾在学生会任职,并参加了两个校运动队. 在电子游戏软件, Thompson has served in various roles at UGBC. 在夏天, Thompson spends his time working as an accounting intern. 汤普森很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,为电子游戏软件社区服务.


卡罗尔学校 of Management

Connor Silva is from Austin, 德州, double majoring in finance, 管理, and 领导 with a minor in applied psychology and human development. He enjoys traveling the world, spending time with friends and 家庭, 游泳, and volunteering to help the local community. 另外, Connor is a part of multiple organizations, such as the Student 电子游戏软件s Program, 金融学者, 和圣的子孙. Patrick at 电子游戏软件. 最近的几个夏天,他一直在指导当地的一支游泳队,并与年轻运动员一起实现他们的目标. 康纳很感激有机会成为温斯顿大使,为电子游戏软件社区和其他地方服务. 


卡罗尔学校 of Management

康拉德·塞耶 is from Austin, 德州. He is studying Finance with a minor in Philosophy. Conrad enjoys hiking, volunteering, and going to car shows in his free time. 高中时,康拉德是游行乐队的一员,并在他所在的教堂担任夏令营辅导员. 在夏天, Conrad spends his time with 家庭 and travels to new places. 康拉德很高兴能成为温斯顿大使,为电子游戏软件社区服务.